Well I have been hounding Miranda to update this quarterly blog for a few months now. I guess I could give a quick update.
The summer has gone so fast it is hard to believe that it has almost past. In July Holden celebrated his 3rd birthday. I gave him his vary own jumping castle. His gift from his mom was the doctor tri-fecta. 1)Pediatrician we found that he almost broke 30lbs with all his clothes on and they feel that he is a vary bright kid got 1 shot. 2) Dentist all teeth checked out well and he had his first real cleaning. 3)Visit with DR. Drain the allergy doctor, he and Miranda had appointments together. I made a rule that we could not get a dog until Miranda got tested to see if she would need shots. Holden was getting tested for good measure because of his parents impressive allergy history (Dr. Drain wants to write a paper on us) and fields of work (Miranda is allergic to all food at the Olive Garden and I am allergic to flowers and such). There were mixed results, when Miranda got checked her dog allergy had gotten better and was given the okay by the doctor to get a dog, then she pulled up Holden's short leg and said "NO DOGS NO CATS". This is not a forever situation, eventually they can both get shots.

The later that week a forest fire started one block over and two blocks back from our house. We got lucky that the wind was going 30mph in the other direction. It took 12 homes and a we had fire trucks passing our house 24 hours a day for a week. It is not a feeling that we want to have any time soon.

This summer Holden has also become my fishing buddy. He and I enjoy our time together greatly. He does well if we are on the boat of on shore. He touches the worms and kisses his fish before we put them back in the water.
Before summer completely slips away from us we have one last trip planed this summer. We will are going to spend a week in Martha's Vineyard, visiting Miranda's aunt. We are all three flying first class in and out of Boston for $30 got to love airline miles. Holden should enjoy the trip the flight attendants usually do anything to keep a kid happy in first class. We will update you when we get back. Now lets see if I can figure out pictures.